I have learned a lot this year about cultivating a heart of gratitude, and it has changed me.
Now, it wasn't that I was ungrateful. Nor was it that something extremely difficult happened this year that opened my eyes in a big way. No, it's simply that God did some big things in me with small steps and daily nuggets.
One of the big things is that I grew tired of my penchant for wanting things to always go the way I planned it, the way I wanted it to go. I have learned in my young 43 years that it is a treat when things go the way I planned them to go, but it certainly isn't the norm. More often than not, we are called upon to be flexible and flow. Admittedly, I haven't always liked that way of thinking, and I have let a kink in the plans throw me off and get my attitude out of whack more than once ;-)
Nevertheless, this year (and a few before) the lesson has been one of getting in the flow...flowing with what goes according to plan and schedule, as well as what doesn't. If I have learned anything, it is that God truly is in control, and He absolutely WILL work all things together for me and for those who put their trust in Him. I don't have to sweat it when something seemingly goes off-course because it did not catch Him off-guard! God is truly at work all the time in and on my life.
It hasn't been easy to learn, but I am getting better at it. Now, I look for opportunity when things look a little hectic, and I can smile, knowing for sure that God has my good on His mind as He helps me navigate this life. No, it's not all about me, but it so helps to know that He has me on His mind and that He cares about every detail of my existence!
Yep, so know I give it my best effort to be thankful, even when I don't understand all that is going on, or when I can't see how this isn't going to work out. (It gets easier the more you do it, truly!) Gratitude is one of THE best gifts God has bestowed on me this year, and I look forward to carrying that gift into 2013.
May you enjoy the gift of being grateful in the coming year, too,
soupsane: Karlsimon [Artstation]
7 years ago
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