Morning all,
We take time today to remember this day - the day that everything changed, the day that He came for. We observe Good Friday because this is when His body was broken, His blood was shed willingly, so that we could be free from the bondage of our sin, so that we could be whole in every way. This is the day when He wore the painful crown of thorns on His head so that we could ALWAYS have His peace, the day that He took the cruel blows that laid His back open so that we could be healed and whole.
He took the nails, the utter shame, the spear in His side, the complete separation from the Father, all so that we could be free.
Here are some scriptures to meditate on today:
Matthew 27 (all)
Luke 23 (all)
And here is a video I found on YouTube of Sandi Patti as she sings the powerful song "Via Dolorosa (The Way of Suffering)" :
May you be encouraged as you reflect and thank Him for His love for YOU,
soupsane: Karlsimon [Artstation]
7 years ago
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