About a month ago, God revealed this truth to my heart:
I get to live life WITH God, not for Him.
What does that mean? Many times I can get caught up in what I can do FOR the Lord. My attention gets fixed on the works that I can do in His name, for His glory. Intrinsically, there is nothing wrong with that...we should want all that we do to bring Him glory.
However, my relationship with the Father is just that - a relationship. Well, in a relationship, aren't you supposed to be "with" that person, spend time together? I really see it bourne out in scripture that God wants US more than anything! He gave up the Son that He loved for you, for me to have restored fellowship with each of us. How amazing is that?
Because of Christ Jesus, we get to live life WITH God. We get to let our primary attention be on getting to know Him, His character and His ways. Our main focus is not to impress God. He designed good works for us to do before the foundation of the world, before time began. He has got that part all set for us! We just need to spend time with Him to get His heart and His direction. He made it that easy! Then all that we DO is an outflow of our time spent in His presence.
You get to live life WITH God, not for Him.
Let that speak to your heart, and enjoy your relationship with God everyday!
soupsane: Karlsimon [Artstation]
7 years ago
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