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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hair gel on DRY hair......Whaaaattt?

Okay ladies,

I have been using a great product called Eco Styler Gel (the moisturizing olive oil kind) for a couple of minutes now, and I have always been impressed by the way it does my hair. (Quick refresher:  I sport a short, stylish natural that my stylist edges up every 2 weeks.  Thanks Lisa Coakley ...I love having my hair look together!)  Anyhoo, I have always (until today) used it my wet head and let it air dry.

That is, until I watched a YouTube Hair-torial yesterday evening, and the young lady suggested that I could get more curl definition putting it in DRY HAIR.  I had never done that before, so I woke up this morning, put some of my homemade, custom blended hair oil in my hair, and applied the Eco Styler Gel.

I let the gel air dry while I got breakfast ready and started school with the kids.  When I popped into my bathroom, what did I behold?  I saw some poppin' curls!  That young lady was worked for my 4b/4c hair, especially since I don't have an easily defined curly pattern like some other curlies.

I will try and post some photos next week perhaps so that you can see for yourself.  I give it an A for working on dry hair!

Hoping you'll try it,


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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hair gel on DRY hair......Whaaaattt?

Okay ladies,

I have been using a great product called Eco Styler Gel (the moisturizing olive oil kind) for a couple of minutes now, and I have always been impressed by the way it does my hair. (Quick refresher:  I sport a short, stylish natural that my stylist edges up every 2 weeks.  Thanks Lisa Coakley ...I love having my hair look together!)  Anyhoo, I have always (until today) used it my wet head and let it air dry.

That is, until I watched a YouTube Hair-torial yesterday evening, and the young lady suggested that I could get more curl definition putting it in DRY HAIR.  I had never done that before, so I woke up this morning, put some of my homemade, custom blended hair oil in my hair, and applied the Eco Styler Gel.

I let the gel air dry while I got breakfast ready and started school with the kids.  When I popped into my bathroom, what did I behold?  I saw some poppin' curls!  That young lady was worked for my 4b/4c hair, especially since I don't have an easily defined curly pattern like some other curlies.

I will try and post some photos next week perhaps so that you can see for yourself.  I give it an A for working on dry hair!

Hoping you'll try it,

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