If you are like me, you really enjoy wearing rings (I tend to think that my hands were made to be adorned with standout pieces of jewelry!) In fact, I prefer to wear my wedding band on my left hand, and a super, fashionista-esque ring on my right.
Nevertheless, I sometimes have to take a break from the gold and sterling silver rings that I really enjoy wearing. They just, from time to time, bother my fingers. What is a girl to do for rings during the non-metal times?
I have done some searching, and one of my newest finds is the handcrafted wooden ring:
In my case, I am looking to get a stand-in for my wedding band, as it is gold and has given me a bit a drama recently. These rings are beautiful! I can't wait to order one, and I will let you all know how it looks and upload pics.
Also, one of my favorite sites is http://www.thecarrotbox.com/, and I have been visiting them for several years. She has wonderful nonmetal jewelry that she makes and sells there as well.
I will update you on my adventure in the weeks to come, and remember: we always have options! smile
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
soupsane: Karlsimon [Artstation]
7 years ago
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