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Friday, January 6, 2012

After the headline fades...

After reading an article just a few minutes ago on Jared Loughner, the shooter who shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords point blank, I have come to an important realization: there is more to a story that the headlines.

Loughner is mentally ill, but we knew that, right? Yeah, but what we didn't know(or necessarily care about) is his battle with mental illness and all that entails for him and his family. Make no mistake...he killed people and damaged alot of lives in that one instant, and he has to answer for that. Nevertheless, his struggle with the darkness in his own mind is something that I would wish on no one.

All I want to say is this: after the headline fades from the public consciousness, the story goes on, the lives involved still go on. There is still brokenness and emptiness in people's lives that must be addressed. Maybe someone like Loughner can get help once the headline fades to black...


HIS Beloved said...

Yes, I agree. Many ppl don't care that the one who did the bad thing is also hurting, in the darkness you mention. JESUS loves him and died for him too. There is deliverance in JESUS' Name. Nice to see not only I think this.

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Friday, January 6, 2012

After the headline fades...

After reading an article just a few minutes ago on Jared Loughner, the shooter who shot Congresswoman Gabby Giffords point blank, I have come to an important realization: there is more to a story that the headlines.

Loughner is mentally ill, but we knew that, right? Yeah, but what we didn't know(or necessarily care about) is his battle with mental illness and all that entails for him and his family. Make no mistake...he killed people and damaged alot of lives in that one instant, and he has to answer for that. Nevertheless, his struggle with the darkness in his own mind is something that I would wish on no one.

All I want to say is this: after the headline fades from the public consciousness, the story goes on, the lives involved still go on. There is still brokenness and emptiness in people's lives that must be addressed. Maybe someone like Loughner can get help once the headline fades to black...

1 comments on "After the headline fades..."

HIS Beloved on January 19, 2012 at 3:35 PM said...

Yes, I agree. Many ppl don't care that the one who did the bad thing is also hurting, in the darkness you mention. JESUS loves him and died for him too. There is deliverance in JESUS' Name. Nice to see not only I think this.

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